viernes, 4 de abril de 2008

Not everything is black or white...

When it comes to making decisions about a controversial issue, there are more than one answer to the dilemma. If, for example, an adolescent is being violated in the corner of the street and you are watching, the simpler answer would be to get involved and help her because you think that if you were in that situation, you would want someone to do the same for you. On second thoughts, you know that if you get involved, you could get hurt in the end. So, what should we do? Help a stranger or help yourself?
There is not a right or wrong answer to this problem but we should try to choose wisely, taking every aspect into account. Even though we do have the freedom to choose, it is impossible not to let our feelings interfere with our decisions. Each decision we make will help as grow as a human being and also help us shape our personality.

Savater said that we are free to try anything we want even though that does not mean achiving it. In the case of our profession, for example, we teach because of a particular reason: trying to make the world better, helping the ones that are not in a very good economical situation, passing on knowledge, etc. If the reasons for teaching were accomplished so much the better. However, the fact that we try and put our soul in it makes it all worthwhile.

Making decisions, choosing what path to take, shapes our lives. It doesn´t matter if you make mistakes in the way; those mistakes are part of the experience of growing.

Chapter 1 - Etica Para Amador, Savater

3 comentarios:

Gladys Baya dijo...

Nice to read you, Romina!

You write:"Even though we do have the freedom to choose, it is impossible not to let our feelings interfere with our decisions." Does this mean you support moral rationalism? Yet, later you say what matters is "putting our souls into it"... :-?

With a bit of luck, none of us will find themselves confronted with the dilemma of helping someone being raped or letting things be, but who knows the (indirect) consequences of the many decisions we take every day?(visit Miriam's blog to discuss this, she's also been thinking of dilemmas like yours!).


RomiMermel dijo...

Hi gladys! I ve been waiting for your feedback!
After reading a bit of moral rationalism, I realize that decision making needs the use of reason, among other things. But, as I said, not everything is black or white, so sometimes our feelings "have to" or naturally interferes with our actions. For example, when preparing our classes, our souls are definetly into it. Not only because we create it, but also because we want to engange our students into the activities. Showing our enthusiasm may help, don´t you think?
In other situations, feelings make us think more and more, and do not help us to come up with a satisfactory answer but with a contradictory one.
Hope this makes it more clear!
See you in class!
Ps: I will check Miriam´s blog!! Thanks for the tip!

Gladys Baya dijo...

Well, it's clear you believe reason should rule over feelings, Romina! I't'll be interesting to hear your voice when we discuss this during Unit 3: Plato or Hume? I can already hear you cheering for the former!
Happy blogging!