Rita loves Frank´s room. She thinks he has taste. She looks at it as her ideal room: full of knowledge, messy yet attractive. I believe she can smell when wisdom is around her and that turns her into somebody who is eager to learn.
When she sees this room, her mind starts to day-dream. She dreams about having a room like that one, having another life and fitting into the life of a "proper" student.
What´s a Proper Student? Well, in Rita´s terms, Proper students are responsible, nerd-like students who study all the time. She idealizes them and that is why she gets so upset when Frank implies that they are lazy or do not take education that seriously.
I believe that during this part of the play, Rita wanders if she could one day be at the same level of those proper students. She doesn´t want to miss the opportunity of being close to them, in fact, BEING ONE OF THEM is her ultimate goal.
Act 1, Scene 2 - Educating Rita
4 comentarios:
Hi Ro!
AS I was reading your post, I wondered if I am a proper student as far as Rita is concerned. I didnt have the chance to finish my teaching studies when I was in my twenties so I identify myself with her a lot!
Is Frank wise, Romina? What leads you to say so?
And what are "proper students" in your view? Are we born "proper students"? Can somebody choose to become one of them?
Hope you don't find these questions too difficult! ;-)
Big hug,
Ohh too many questions!! jjajaja
Well Gladys, I think I said Frank is wise because he knows how to treat Rita.He doesn´t laugh at her (her essays, her speech), he doesn´t underestimates her but pushes her to be better. He helps her accomplish her goal.
I think the idea of Proper Student is completely linked to the society one is in. In our society, Proper Students are people who study at the UBA, who gets his/her degree in 4/5 years and so on.
This is not what I call Proper Students, though. I believe that a proper student is a perseverent one: one who tries his/her best to reach his/her goal.
As regard if being proper student is innate or aquired, I think that it depends. I am not so sure about that, but if being perseverent is in you, is a charactersitic of your personality then you definetly are an inborn Proper Student because you are going to follow your dreams no matter what.
If you want to become one, I don´t think it is impossible. Because the fact that you are think of a goal and wanting to reach it, it is already a characteristic of a Proper Student (in my view).
Hope this clear a little bit thing up!
Your views are clear indeed, Romina! Just one thing: personality is mostly developed as we grow up, it's not innate or genetically determined, at least, not to a large extent... thought that is something you'd like to consider in your discussion on whether we're born or learn to be "proper students". I also thought it very interesting that you considered institutional factors as well as individual ones, which suggests one cannot be a "proper student" in an "improper environment"...
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