From the very beginning of the scene, we see a very caring and worried Frank who is 1st concerned about the way Rita enters his office (then he knows it was because of excitement), then he is concerned about her health and how she eats: "Look, how about a proper lunch?" he asks her.
This attitude of sharing, in this case the apple and the can of soda, between student and teacher is the one that called my attention.
In my opinion, this is a clear example that there is more to teaching than just delivering the lesson to the students but caring about them, asking them about their lives is also part of it.
In fact, Rita learns something in this "lesson": the difference between Tragedy and Tragic but what is important is the fact that Frank asks Rita about Denny, he invites her to his dinner party at his house, and so on.
Act 1 - Scene 6, Question 3
4 comentarios:
Hadn't you said in your previous post that focussing on personal issues instead of the subject-matter was a way of wasting time, Romi?
Just one other thing: in this scene, Frank has asked Rita to join a class of "proper students" he was lecturing when she arrived... What else might she have learned from the experience (and from Frank's invitation to the party he's throwing at home)?
No, Gla. I think you got it wrong. I never said that focussing on personal issues was a waste of time!
I just merely pointed out how the roles changed in the previous post!
She could have learned that the "proper students" were not the way she thought they were. She could have actually witnessed a real class which would have been very fulfilling.
From Frank´s invitation, she could have tested all her prejudices (about the high-class people, the talks they have, etc) and meet Frank´s wife also!
Hi Ro!
Besides teaching, I love doing other things with my students, as you said.
And I also wonder why Russell chose an apple and a can of soft drink...maybe because simple things bring out the best in Frank and Rita. For example, a chat in which they can learn from each other or share others things that make them feel well...
Big hug!
Now I see your point, Romina! Sorry I misread you before...
I really like your ideas about what Rita might have learned from these experiences.. She may also have learned she CAN be a proper student too, right? Remember how she felt about them at the beginning of the play???
Big hug,
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