Rita changes her way of speaking because she wants to talk properly. Frank doesn´t like it at all, he wants her to be herself.
Frank and Rita have different views on what means to talk properly.
Rita thinks that talking properly means talking in a sophisticated way, using fancy language and posh accent (in my mind I believe that it would sound like that).
Frank thinks that talking properly means talking the way she usually did, with slung language, talking fast and without caring what others think of her.
This, among other changes, is what Frank has been fearing all along: how much of the new environment has Rita acquired and up to what extent should she do it.
Should she change completely?
Franks fears for her, he never wanted her to change (although in the previous scene, he was excited by these new changes). In this scene, we can see the side effects of the changes, so to speak.
Frank has given Rita so much freedom in her choosing that now he doesn´t know how to cope with the new Rita. A very defiant Rita , trying to show Frank that she is now a little innocent girl any more, that she can take care of herself now.
Act 2 - Scene 2 & 3, Question 1
7 comentarios:
I agree with you, although I also believe Frank thinks Rita´s new way of speaking is ridiculous because it is not authentic. Something Frank tries to make sure along the play is that Rita should not change to please others but to find herself. There is no place for "imitation" in Frank´s teaching.
You are right Mir, I never thought it that way. Athenticity is what Frank wants and doesn´t want Rita to chage: her true self!
Thank you for your comment!
Hi girls!
I see your point in this discussion. Rita wants to change, to become a better person she says. Yet, she fails to realise that the way of doing that is not by copying other´s attitudes and opinions or changing her whole identity, but by enriching it, taking as a starting point her own background, NOT going back to square one.She did not learn from her errors since she began to imitate others again instead of building her own beliefs to finally find her true self.
Yes Lu, you are right!
It seems at this point that she may be loosing her main goal, right?
Immitating is not my way of leaving!
Thank you for posting!!!
Hi Romina, Miriam and Lu.G.!!!
What a pleasure to "arrive" here and find you've already been making the points I'd have liked to make... 8-D!!! Congrats to the 3 of you for having contributed to your mutual development so effectively!!!
I was just wondering: do you feel your teachers have, like Frank, fostered the "preservation of your own identity"?
Keep making the blogosphere shine!
Big hug,
I have had some teachers that have fostered the preservation of my identity and I am having one during my ttc as well ;)!!
I ,of course, have had others that haven´t. The difference is perfectly clear from day one.
Unfortunatly, I have had more of those anti-preservation of identity teachers than of the others.
I hope I can be one of those teachers that aims at helping their students to be true to their selves!!!
I know you'll be one of those teachers who empower learners, Romi! Also, I'm glad you can say the difference between one group of teachers and the other has always been clear...
Keep in touch,
PS: thanks for the compliment! ;-)
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