Enjoy life, enjoy each day as unique.
As Savater said, we need to search for today´s pleasures. This way will be easier to make those pleasure real, true. If you piled everything up and try to look for all of them in one day, you will probably feel frustrated.
The key is finding a way to enjoy everything that surrounds you: family, work, hobbies....
You should do what makes you happy, what brings you JOY. If you do things out of boredom, routine or because someone told you (orders) then the day will finish with you felling rather miserable.
I agree with the fact that true pleasure means knowing how to enjoy your everyday life.
Even when things get tough, the idea is to find a twist in the situation to make the most of it.
For example. if you decided to start working in place you thought it would be great and good for you but then you realize that was not what you expected, you should find something in that job that challenges you and makes you feel excited to go everyday.
In my life I have experienced some tough moments (choosing doing two careers at the same time, working, trying to find some "me" time, and so on) but then I think about it and I know that If I could do everything all over again, I would choose the same path. I try to give one step at a time, trying not to rush to satisfy all my pleasures at the same time yet slowly and with responsibility I reach (and still reaching) them one by one.
Regardless the situation, you should live for the moment and seize the day!
Chapter 8, Etica para Amador - Savater
3 comentarios:
Cool cartoon, Romi! (ROTFWL). Reminded me of something a teacher told me when I was at secondary school: "Soon," he said, "unless you've made your choices about how to live your life, life will live you!"
Enjoy your day!
Excellent quote, Gladys! I will keep that in mind.
What does ROTFWL means????
ROTFWL ="rolling on the floor with laughter" ( ie LOL: lots of laughter, which is ambiguous, as it also stands for "lots of love").
:-P (tongue in cheek)
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