The act of living can be summarized by the making of choices. The question is how?
Well, as Savater says, is something you have to figure out by yourself. You can listen to different options or ideas as helping tools but you have to create your own life journey. It is important to create it considering your individuality as well as your uniqueness.
I have chosen (so far) in my life trying to reflect on what I want and how am I going to reach those wants. What I would like to add to my choosing process is what Savater calls "opening up" to others, to new experiences and to different joys.
I think we sometimes choose out of practicality and we leave aside the idea of choosing options that could lead to more and more other options. We should keep our minds open to new challenging experiences, even if those choices are not that practical and need a little bit of more effort to reach them!
We may be surprised to find out how those risky choices can make our lives better!
Epilogo, Etica para Amador - Savater
2 comentarios:
Risking to get the chance to enhancing our teaching, our learning, our life...:-)
Wise words, Romina!
I wish you a life where more and more doors open up to you... If they lead to paths that link yours to other human beings, so much the better!
Thank you Gladys! I really appreciate that! I hope I can choose as many paths that link to other human beings as possible!
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