There are different aspects as regards Rita´s changes:
-As regards her feelings:
*After Summer School, Rita has build up her confidence. Not only has she opened up to meeting new people but also to getting to know new books, new poetry. She is trying to expand her knowledge on these new matters.
* She doesn´t feel old any more as in the beginning of the story. She now feels like the rest of those boys and girls sitting on the Grass, outside. She feels young (even though she is). She doesn´t feel that is late for her to start learning.
* She tells Frank that she asked a lot of questions during classes, that means that she was not afraid of making them or making mistakes. I think that is definitely Frank´job: he has been working on with Rita during their sessions, don´t you think? Trying to loosen her up, to relax and not to be afraid of making a mistake.
*She is living with a flatmate. Now that she is single, she is trying to get her life back on track, the way she always wanted and she is no longer living by the rules of her husband.
-As regards her experiences at Summer School and what she has learned:
*Her way of answering back to someone is not the same, she doesn´t make jokes now by gives "clever" answers. I think that the word is not clever but honest and respectful answers.
*Her way of answering back to someone is not the same, she doesn´t make jokes now by gives "clever" answers. I think that the word is not clever but honest and respectful answers.
* Rita has never topped working: essays and more essays. Even though it was hard work, she liked it very much. I believe she didn´t mind working so hard because the whole experience (getting to know other people, listening to tutors and teachers, getting to know London, etc) was worth it, including the fact that she had to work a lot.
* Rita already knows the author Frank wants to introduce her. She even knows it by heart and what should be studied when reading him. Rita has enter into the University system, as I mentioned in previous posts.
However, there are things that NEVER change:
* Rita´s intention to reform Frank as regards his drinking problem.
* Rita´s intention to get Frank back into writing poetry (with her "subtle" present).
Frank is excited to see a renovated Rita. One that has learned a lot during the summer yet deep down she is the same Rita that he never wanted to change: a person who takes care of others, who explores her new experiences in depth, and so on.
Frank is shocked by how well she is entering this world, even though he never doubted of Rita´s capability.
Renovated Rita is peppier than ever.
Act 2, Scene 1 - What do you think?
2 comentarios:
Hello Romi!
Has Rita really changed,Ro?I thinkRita hasn't exactly changed but she is just 'acting' as if she had changed, I mean, she wants to show that having been to Summer School has influenced her not only in her wanting to dress up but also in her wanting to be called 'the new educated Rita.
This "renewed" Rita certainly owes a lot to Frank's work during the previous term, doesn't she, Romina? Yet, does she think she sees it that way?
I do agree with you now she feels she belongs, and that's wonderful. On the other hand, I believe we shouldn't overlook the point Marucha makes: how authentic is Rita's "renovation"? As teachers, our appreciation of this should determine how we react to it.
The next scenes will tell us, so let's move on!
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