Both Rita and Frank have learned a lot during the course of the play.
Rita has learned that anything you want can be accomplished as long as you are persevering and eager to study and work hard. She has also learned to be independent, to listen to her wished and do what her heart tells her to. She has become a very strong, self-confident woman who is thankful for all the help and tools Frank has given her and, although is hard to let go, she knows it is the wise thing to do. Each person has to follow his/her own path to reach his/her destiny. Rita learned that the path she was taking wasn´t the one to reach her goal. She has learned which her real path is and how to walk on it.
Frank has learned to be more co-dependant and he has learned to express his feelings towards a person and not just to his poetry. He has also learned to make more challenging decisions and his has opened his heart to let Rita in.
The play finishes with Rita cutting Frank´s hair as an explicit sign of Rita´s contribution into this relationship the two of them have developed.
I say EXPLICIT OR CONCRETE sign because throughout the play Rita has contributed the same or even more them Frank has contributed. He has given her books, guidance. She has given him new points of view, confidence to believe in himself, a reason to stop drinking (although that is tough to change) : many things that books cannot teach.
In conclusion, "Educating Frank" would have been just as well a title for this book.
Act 2, Scene 6 & 7 - What do you think + Question 5
4 comentarios:
Hi Romi,
I love the idea of learning from students. It reminded me of a Miriam's post "Constant learning" (Savater). It's about taking into account the output of the students.
The exchange of ideas, knowledge or experiences is one of the things I like most about teaching.
By the way, I love the final quote!
See you,
Thank you Pame for your post!
As you say, the things I love most about my classes are my students´s contributions! I think, even though you maybe exhausted, out of patience, in the end the outputs as you name them are all worth it, don´t you think?
Hi RO!
This was (an still is...) a hard year for me.
I started working at Kinder, which was a completely new experience for me(a bit hard to get used to).
And almost at the same time I start working at Secondary school, which was not that hard but different.
At the beginning I felt realy exahusted and overwhelmed... but what gave the strenght I need to keep on going with this were their teachings and the nice time we share together.
Teaching is a hard work... but it's really a nice one!
Hi ladies!
I passionately believe the teacher who can learn from their students will always enjoy their lessons and keep developing.
Miri: I love your choice of words when you say has learned which her real path is. It led me to see teaching as exploring paths with our learners until they feel ready to keep going by themselves!
To me, the most important thing Rita has given Frank is a renewed sense of his mission as a teacher... how do you like that?
Big hug,
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