Dear Mr Guillermo Levy,
I truly thank you for making me like History. I didn´t know such thing could be dome. I loved the debates we created in class and how the class was stressed free and everyone could voice their opinions and thoughts not only about history but also about anyother matter concerning us at that moment.
As a teacher to be, I only hope to implement your kindness towards your students your challenging class-discussions and all that I have learned so far.
I hope you are still teaching, spreading your knowledge, teaching by giving the example so that other students learn from you the way I did.
Thank you again for everything!
Romina Mermelstein
lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2008
No pain, No gain

In any process of learning is impossible not to suffer in the way to achieve it.
As a result of her education, Rita has learned that there are sacrifices to be made (changing jobs, leaving a husband, changing friends)to achieve a certain goal and "your inner drive" will lead you to make those sacrifices.
The question is: How much pf you are you willing to sacrifice to achieve your aim?
Putting it in scale, I would say that Rita gained more than what she suffered. When we see all she has gained in the end, we realize that those sacrifices Rita made were insignificant compared to the way she lives now.
Take a look at all she has gained!:
*Freedom in her decision-making
* New exciting experiences
*New friends
Isn´t all of this worth it??
Programme of Study - Question 5
Educating Rita,
Programme of Study,
Question 5
Culture Clash or Culture Mix?

It is obvious that Rita and Frank have different backgrounds. Although there were times of misunderstandings ("off me cake"; the TV programme, and so on) there were other times where both cultures complemented each other and helped to overcome their problems.
I believe Rita was the most concerned about this clash, she was the one who felt she wasn´t up to the level of "Frank´s people" to have a discussion or simply to talk "about things that matter".
She is the one that is not happy with the class she is in and with the culture that surrounds her while Frank is thrilled by the way she speaks, makes herself understood and doesn´t want Rita to loose this important part of her life.
I believe we should get to know more than one culture at a time and form one of our own. Choose and select the parts you like, the parts you feel comfortable with and go with what you feel and believe and create your way. That is, in my opinion, what Rita does in the end. She is so intoxicated by this new culture that she cannot see properly.
When she takes the time to think about her actions (during the test) she realizes that each and everyone of her experiences have helped her create her own culture. That is why Rita goes to Frank´s office, she wants to tell him that she now understands the meaning of that "be careful" he once told her.
Programme of Study - Question 10
Educating Rita,
Programme of Study,
Question 10
Educating Frank?

Both Rita and Frank have learned a lot during the course of the play.
Rita has learned that anything you want can be accomplished as long as you are persevering and eager to study and work hard. She has also learned to be independent, to listen to her wished and do what her heart tells her to. She has become a very strong, self-confident woman who is thankful for all the help and tools Frank has given her and, although is hard to let go, she knows it is the wise thing to do. Each person has to follow his/her own path to reach his/her destiny. Rita learned that the path she was taking wasn´t the one to reach her goal. She has learned which her real path is and how to walk on it.
Frank has learned to be more co-dependant and he has learned to express his feelings towards a person and not just to his poetry. He has also learned to make more challenging decisions and his has opened his heart to let Rita in.
The play finishes with Rita cutting Frank´s hair as an explicit sign of Rita´s contribution into this relationship the two of them have developed.
I say EXPLICIT OR CONCRETE sign because throughout the play Rita has contributed the same or even more them Frank has contributed. He has given her books, guidance. She has given him new points of view, confidence to believe in himself, a reason to stop drinking (although that is tough to change) : many things that books cannot teach.
In conclusion, "Educating Frank" would have been just as well a title for this book.
Act 2, Scene 6 & 7 - What do you think + Question 5
Frank: Jealous, envious?

Frank has gotten used to seeing Rita around and the bond that they have created has led Frank into caring a lot about Rita. He wants her well and wants to still guide her in her decision-making. She is very independent now and feels that she can do anything on her own.
Frank is a little bit jealous. Not only because of her new life, new friends, new job, etc but also because he is not the center of attention any more. Frank is not the 1st one to turn to now when Rita has a problem but Trish.
Also, Frank feels a little bit envious by this new life Rita is creating. She has started from scratch, turned a new leaf and it actually LIVING her LIFE. I think Frank would definitely like to do something like that but doesn´t have the guts to do it. Teaching her and learning from her was a new part of his life and now that Rita doesn´t go to his office very often , seems that his life is going back to she same it has always been: dull.
During this scene, it seems like Rita has forgotten everything Frank has dome for her (besides teaching!).
That is why, taking into account this scene, I feel more identified with Frank.
It is nice to be the center of attention, to be the one a person turns to when he/she has a problem. It is only natural to feel jealous or betrayed when that stops happening. You feel that you were not appreciated.
Act 2, Scene 4&5 - What do you think?
lunes, 27 de octubre de 2008
Rita´s odd accent

Rita changes her way of speaking because she wants to talk properly. Frank doesn´t like it at all, he wants her to be herself.
Frank and Rita have different views on what means to talk properly.
Rita thinks that talking properly means talking in a sophisticated way, using fancy language and posh accent (in my mind I believe that it would sound like that).
Frank thinks that talking properly means talking the way she usually did, with slung language, talking fast and without caring what others think of her.
This, among other changes, is what Frank has been fearing all along: how much of the new environment has Rita acquired and up to what extent should she do it.
Should she change completely?
Franks fears for her, he never wanted her to change (although in the previous scene, he was excited by these new changes). In this scene, we can see the side effects of the changes, so to speak.
Frank has given Rita so much freedom in her choosing that now he doesn´t know how to cope with the new Rita. A very defiant Rita , trying to show Frank that she is now a little innocent girl any more, that she can take care of herself now.
Act 2 - Scene 2 & 3, Question 1
lunes, 20 de octubre de 2008
Rita´s changes

There are different aspects as regards Rita´s changes:
-As regards her feelings:
*After Summer School, Rita has build up her confidence. Not only has she opened up to meeting new people but also to getting to know new books, new poetry. She is trying to expand her knowledge on these new matters.
* She doesn´t feel old any more as in the beginning of the story. She now feels like the rest of those boys and girls sitting on the Grass, outside. She feels young (even though she is). She doesn´t feel that is late for her to start learning.
* She tells Frank that she asked a lot of questions during classes, that means that she was not afraid of making them or making mistakes. I think that is definitely Frank´job: he has been working on with Rita during their sessions, don´t you think? Trying to loosen her up, to relax and not to be afraid of making a mistake.
*She is living with a flatmate. Now that she is single, she is trying to get her life back on track, the way she always wanted and she is no longer living by the rules of her husband.
-As regards her experiences at Summer School and what she has learned:
*Her way of answering back to someone is not the same, she doesn´t make jokes now by gives "clever" answers. I think that the word is not clever but honest and respectful answers.
*Her way of answering back to someone is not the same, she doesn´t make jokes now by gives "clever" answers. I think that the word is not clever but honest and respectful answers.
* Rita has never topped working: essays and more essays. Even though it was hard work, she liked it very much. I believe she didn´t mind working so hard because the whole experience (getting to know other people, listening to tutors and teachers, getting to know London, etc) was worth it, including the fact that she had to work a lot.
* Rita already knows the author Frank wants to introduce her. She even knows it by heart and what should be studied when reading him. Rita has enter into the University system, as I mentioned in previous posts.
However, there are things that NEVER change:
* Rita´s intention to reform Frank as regards his drinking problem.
* Rita´s intention to get Frank back into writing poetry (with her "subtle" present).
Frank is excited to see a renovated Rita. One that has learned a lot during the summer yet deep down she is the same Rita that he never wanted to change: a person who takes care of others, who explores her new experiences in depth, and so on.
Frank is shocked by how well she is entering this world, even though he never doubted of Rita´s capability.
Renovated Rita is peppier than ever.
Act 2, Scene 1 - What do you think?
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