lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2008
To my Dearest Teacher
I truly thank you for making me like History. I didn´t know such thing could be dome. I loved the debates we created in class and how the class was stressed free and everyone could voice their opinions and thoughts not only about history but also about anyother matter concerning us at that moment.
As a teacher to be, I only hope to implement your kindness towards your students your challenging class-discussions and all that I have learned so far.
I hope you are still teaching, spreading your knowledge, teaching by giving the example so that other students learn from you the way I did.
Thank you again for everything!
Romina Mermelstein
No pain, No gain

Culture Clash or Culture Mix?

Educating Frank?

Frank: Jealous, envious?

lunes, 27 de octubre de 2008
Rita´s odd accent

lunes, 20 de octubre de 2008
Rita´s changes

*Her way of answering back to someone is not the same, she doesn´t make jokes now by gives "clever" answers. I think that the word is not clever but honest and respectful answers.
sábado, 11 de octubre de 2008

domingo, 21 de septiembre de 2008
Share with your Students!

lunes, 15 de septiembre de 2008
Rita´s Expressions

University: Game with its specific rules

sábado, 6 de septiembre de 2008
Frank´s room and the "Proper" Students

Rita loves Frank´s room. She thinks he has taste. She looks at it as her ideal room: full of knowledge, messy yet attractive. I believe she can smell when wisdom is around her and that turns her into somebody who is eager to learn.
When she sees this room, her mind starts to day-dream. She dreams about having a room like that one, having another life and fitting into the life of a "proper" student.
What´s a Proper Student? Well, in Rita´s terms, Proper students are responsible, nerd-like students who study all the time. She idealizes them and that is why she gets so upset when Frank implies that they are lazy or do not take education that seriously.
I believe that during this part of the play, Rita wanders if she could one day be at the same level of those proper students. She doesn´t want to miss the opportunity of being close to them, in fact, BEING ONE OF THEM is her ultimate goal.
Act 1, Scene 2 - Educating Rita
sábado, 30 de agosto de 2008
Why does Rita want to study?

sábado, 28 de junio de 2008
The laws of Hospitality

lunes, 23 de junio de 2008
Choosing and more choosing...

lunes, 16 de junio de 2008
And it all comes down to "Human Rights"...
These requirements can be summed up in what we call: Human Rights.
As teachers, we should keep on insisting with these rights, trying to teach our students to be aware of them and show them that they are not words written in a document but powerful actions that CAN be achieved!
Teachers play an important role in this process that is not only filled in by showing them what can be done but by being a part of it!
Because we are helping are future politician, doctors, lawyers, etc to grow up, we should at least share with them what we want for our society; those minimum requirements that each individual wants: to have the possibility to choose, to be treated with justice and dignity and to promote mutual help between neighbours.
There are some problems (hunger, poverty, and so on) that cannot be easily resolved. But, we humans can make our place to live a little bit better:
Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race
There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Better Place
For You And For Me
Heal the World by Michael Jackson (
Try to make our world inhabitable and beautiful: MAKE A BETTER PLACE FOR YOU AND FOR ME.
Chapter 9, Etica para Amador - Savater
domingo, 1 de junio de 2008
Carpe Diem!

lunes, 26 de mayo de 2008
Put yourself in my shoes!

We might be so blinded by our whims and views that filling somebody´s shoes can be harder than it seems.
However, we should try to understand the situation in full, from the inside; trying to adopt other people´s view points.
In my experience, I sometimes feel that because I think my view is so true and the only right option, I do not stop and try to analyse other ideas.
As teachers, we need to take into account out students´s viewpoints i.e, take into account THEIR RIGHTS.
If one of my students could not come to class, I shouldn't be mad or upset with him but I should try to put myself in his position, trying to analyse the reasons why he did not come: tiredness, job problems, family issues, etc.
I think this is what being open minded means: DO not stick to one option, opinion or idea; DO research, find out motives and fill somebody´s shoes!
Chapter 7, Etica para Amador - Savater
jueves, 22 de mayo de 2008
Developing our "moral good taste"

lunes, 12 de mayo de 2008

domingo, 27 de abril de 2008
Setting our priorities
In my opinion, this is not what actually happens.
We WANT to think this is what we do when, in fact, we end up giving most of our attention to the items of the bottom of our list.
As teachers, for example, setting our priorities (or even our expectations) towards what we are going to teach to a new class is extremely important.
Some groups need to build up confidence before plunging into the simple past, others live in a situation where respect, new opportunities and help are more suitable to offer or teach than the use of can/can´t.
What I mean is: let´s try to start being open-minded, to see the broader picture of a situation and finding out our students´needs. That will help us set our priorities straight ahead.
Chapter 4, Etica Para Amador - Savater
lunes, 21 de abril de 2008
Being good, an universal definition?
There are more than one answer to these questions. The definition of this word constantly changes according to the environment where the situation is set.
In the example of Savater, the Nazi officer that killed the Jewish in Awshuitz was a very good officer from his superior´s point of view but not so much from the point of view of the families of those Jews that were killed.
Many people may say that this officer was just following orders and that it was not his fault (otherwise he may have been killed as well) but I think that this kind of thinking is an easy way out.
It is easier to blame somebody else, "wash your hands" and put the responsibility on others but we are no children. As adults, we have the ability to choose, despite what anyone can order us to do.
That is why, my motto is: "think twice, no regrets later". In the above example, the 1st thinking process may have involved only but to follow the superior´s instructions. But, if there were any 2nd thinking process, it would have probably involved the officer´s reflection on what he is really doing; that is to say, killing innocent people. If those 2nd thoughts existed, the outcome would be probably different.
Before we perform an action is important to think twice. The 1st thoughts are always made out of impulse but the 2nd ones involve reflecting and analysing which is the best way to perform a specific action. After finishing those two thinking processes, the choosing part is easier: you know that you are deciding consciously and carefully, taken into account what your mind and your heart tell you to do, so, in that way, there cannot be any regrets later on.
Chapter 3, Etica para Amador - Savater
lunes, 14 de abril de 2008
Choices: Conditioned by the circumstances
Making a choice would be a lot easier if we were selfish. We would probably think only but ourselves, believing that the only choice would be to change jobs because you would get more money and that would help you a lot. However, the truth is a lot different than that.
Maybe because I was taught not only to think of me but also to think of others as well. Unconsciously, I think about my future and the future of the ones that surround me.
In the end, choosing becomes tougher because you know that you cannot please everyone and at least one of the people involved will be unsatisfied.
As I said in the previous post, the key element in decision making is to consider every aspect of the situation and stick to a choice that you feel pleased and happy with (Even if that involves other consequences).
Choosing is an arduous and (sometimes) painful job, but choosing wisely and with consideration makes it easier!
Chapter 2, Etica para Amador - Savater
viernes, 4 de abril de 2008
Not everything is black or white...
There is not a right or wrong answer to this problem but we should try to choose wisely, taking every aspect into account. Even though we do have the freedom to choose, it is impossible not to let our feelings interfere with our decisions. Each decision we make will help as grow as a human being and also help us shape our personality.
Savater said that we are free to try anything we want even though that does not mean achiving it. In the case of our profession, for example, we teach because of a particular reason: trying to make the world better, helping the ones that are not in a very good economical situation, passing on knowledge, etc. If the reasons for teaching were accomplished so much the better. However, the fact that we try and put our soul in it makes it all worthwhile.
Making decisions, choosing what path to take, shapes our lives. It doesn´t matter if you make mistakes in the way; those mistakes are part of the experience of growing.
Chapter 1 - Etica Para Amador, Savater
lunes, 31 de marzo de 2008
Belive in Yourself!
We may do it un consciously. Sometimes, because we do not believe that we can.
The number one rule to grow as a person inmerse in a society is to never lose faith in yourself. For every day life, trusting you and every choice you make is important.
Be aware that anything you want to do is possible if you trust in your abilities.
However, trusting yourself is not the equivalent to being cocky.If you believe in yourself, confidence shows. An outsider can see that part of your personality, and in the best of cases, you can pass that confidence on others.